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Tuesday, October 8

14:00 CEST

Narratives of Change and Coping Among TV Reporters Covering the War on Drugs
Tuesday October 8, 2024 14:00 - 14:50 CEST
The Philippines braced for "change" in 2016 when the "war on drugs” began. The mental health impact of this “war” was among the things that journalists did not see coming.  Using the constructivist narrative perspective, the study explored stories of stress and coping of six television crime reporters covering the war on drugs. Data was gathered through individual in-depth interviews, and was analyzed using McAdams' context of discovery.
avatar for Tricia Denise Zafra

Tricia Denise Zafra

Clinical Psychologist and University Lecturer, Department of Psychology - Mind Care Center, Perpetual Help Medical Center - Las Pinas; Department of Psychology, University of the Philippines - Diliman
Tricia is a mental health professional, educator, journalist, and advocacy specialist. She's a psychologist at Mind Care Center – Perpetual Help Medical Center, Childfam-Possibilities Psychological Services, and Argao Psych.She also teaches at the University of the Philippines-Diliman... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 14:00 - 14:50 CEST

14:00 CEST

The Challenges and Importance of Boundaries in Dealing with Vulnerable Sources in Journalism
Tuesday October 8, 2024 14:00 - 14:50 CEST
In ethical journalism, empathy and a responsible approach to sources are of great importance. But what does that mean?

Friederike Engst, Psychological Psychotherapist and Trainer at DART Center Europe and Helpline Germany and Tabea Grzeszyk repeatedly face questions addressing professional distance, doubts, and uncertainty in their respective roles. We want to discuss examples and the individual challenges of working with vulnerable protagonists (e.g., moral injury, vicarious trauma, feelings of guilt), the importance of boundaries—including one’s own—and the circumstances under which they might blur. We will talk about how to create a safe environment and minimize the risk of causing additional harm.
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Tabea Grzeszyk

Founder, Embodiment Coach | Unbias the News | Hostwriter
Tabea Grzeszyk is a senior broadcast journalist and founder of the collaboration platform Hostwriter and its feminist cross-border newsroom Unbias the News. Following a career break in 2022, she focused on coaching and mindfulness as a certified systemic coach and is currently training... Read More →
avatar for Friederike Engst

Friederike Engst

Psychological Psychotherapist/Traumatherapist, Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma Europe /Helpline by Netzwerk Recherche, Germany
Friederike Engst is a psychological psychotherapist (CBT, trauma therapy/EMDR), behavior and communication trainer and has been giving seminars and workshops for a wide range of groups since 2005. After professional positions in science and in prevention in the area of work and health... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 14:00 - 14:50 CEST

15:00 CEST

Finding Inner Stillness During Turbulent Times
Tuesday October 8, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST
A journalist and mindfulness meditation facilitator will guide the audience to a place of inner stillness, helping to become witness to our inner and outer experience, developing a deeper awareness of self. Along the way, he will dispel some of the myths about mindfulness, and how to integrate it into our everyday lives.
avatar for Michael Newman

Michael Newman

TV Journalist & Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator, Freelancer
Michael Newman is a certified Mindfulness Facilitator and has been practicing mindfulness & many other forms of meditation for over 16 years. He is also a TV journalist and media personality who uses mindfulness as a foundational practice to inform how he relates to his interviewees... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST

15:00 CEST

Mitigating Against Vicarious Trauma
Tuesday October 8, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST
Vicarious trauma is exposure to someone else’s trauma. Many journalists are exposed regularly to violent, distressing or graphic material in different forms of media - from videos to court reports, researching abuses, to hearing accounts from survivors of trauma.

One year on* from the start of the Israel-Gaza war, Headlines Network will explore how vicarious trauma has become a threat to newsrooms.

In this session, we will share individual experiences and insights, helping our colleagues recognise how to mitigate secondary trauma, and look after themselves and others if they are exposed.

Hannah Storm and John Crowley from Headlines Network have published a resource guide on vicarious trauma and will draw from this during this workshop.
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John Crowley

Co-director, Headlines Network
John Crowley is an editor, trainer, and consultant with 25 years of journalistic experience, including roles at The Daily Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, the Financial Times and The Irish Post. He currently writes for and edits the FT’s Banking, Risk and Regulation... Read More →
avatar for Hannah Storm

Hannah Storm

Media consultant, specialising in safety, wellbeing and leadership, Media consultant
Hannah Storm is a media consultant, specialising in journalism safety, wellbeing and leadership. She is the Founder and Co-Director of Headlines Network, a community to improve mental health conversations in the news media. She is the former CEO and Director of the Ethical Journalism... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST

16:00 CEST

Care For You: Trauma-informed Mindfulness for Journalists Who Are Caregivers
Tuesday October 8, 2024 16:00 - 16:50 CEST
In this session. you'll be lead through some trauma-informed mindfulness practices that aim to build resilience and ground journalists who also bear caregiving responsibilities at home.
avatar for Janeen Williamson

Janeen Williamson

Partner, Media Bridge Partners
For over 15 years Janeen has worked to help organizations reach new and diverse audiences through strategic communication plans and digital strategy.Janeen has partnered with nonprofits, foundations, media organizations to communicate how their missions are essential to fighting inequity... Read More →
avatar for Hannah Wise

Hannah Wise

Co-founder and Coach, Media Bridge Partners
Hannah Wise is a certified solution-focused coach, co-founder of Media Bridge Partners and leads partnerships and operations at the Local News Lab at the Brown Institute for Media Innovation. Her work is centered on making journalism a fulfilling and healthy career option, especially... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 16:00 - 16:50 CEST

17:00 CEST

Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: How a Breakdown Turned Out Not To Be a Bad Thing
Tuesday October 8, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Join an inspirational talk from a neurodivergent South Asian working class British journalist who moved through intersectional trauma afer spending over a decade covering horrific stories.
avatar for Dhruti Shah

Dhruti Shah

Creative Lead, Have You Thought About
Dhruti Shah is a multi-award-winning journalist and author. Starting her career as a writer in newspapers, she honed her craft during 14 years at the BBC, where she broke digital records with her work. In her freelance chapter she has written nuanced viral conversation-generating... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST

18:30 CEST

Afinar el oído: Escuchar el tiempo
Tuesday October 8, 2024 18:30 - 19:20 CEST
Presencia, curiosidad y asombro. En esta actividad exploraremos temas de salud mental, agotamiento y exigencia en el periodismo, atravesados por la velocidad y preeminencia de las redes y la epidemia de desinformación. Esto lo haremos mediante técnicas contemplativas, journaling, diálogo generativo y activación creativa. También presentaremos “Nos une el medio”, una experiencia de sanación con la escritura co-creada por dos comunicadores colombianos, para luego tender un puente hacia una actividad práctica de creación narrativa de autoficción sobre el yo y cómo silenciar las voces que nos habitan para volver a escucharnos.
avatar for Nathalia Salamanca Sarmiento

Nathalia Salamanca Sarmiento

Escritora, investigadora y periodista, Nos Une el Medio
Comunicadora social - periodista, con experiencia en el diseño de actividades creativas para narración en primera persona con personas sobrevivientes de conflictos armados y grupos de comunicadores y narradoras de pueblos indígenas. Para su tesis doctoral en Sociología (Universidad... Read More →
avatar for Mauricio-Ishwara González

Mauricio-Ishwara González

Cocreador, Nos une el medio e Ish Peregrino
Activador creativo, instructor de meditación, practicante de la regeneración social y autor. Acompaña experiencias de silencio, diálogo, imaginación y creación para reconectar con la Vida. Desde hace catorce años, integra creatividad, prácticas contemplativas, tecnologías... Read More →
avatar for María Álvarez

María Álvarez

Coordinadora de apoyo psicosocial, Fundación Magnolia
Literata y psicóloga egresada de la Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá. Sus áreas de especialización se centran en las obras latinoamericanas, con un enfoque particular en las obras escritas por mujeres. Su pasión reside en la capacidad de la literatura para ofrecer múltiples... Read More →
avatar for Ana Carolina Gonzalez - Pena

Ana Carolina Gonzalez - Pena

Directora Fundación Magnolia, Fundación Magnolia
Periodista y líder en desarrollo social, con más de 20 años de experiencia en comunicación estratégica, y promoción de la paz y el bienestar emocional. Especializada en la relacióncuerpo-territorio, con un enfoque en la inclusión y el empoderamiento de comunidades diversas... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 18:30 - 19:20 CEST

19:30 CEST

El poder de una pausa. ¿Cómo es tomarse un descanso en la carrera o un período sabático?
Tuesday October 8, 2024 19:30 - 20:20 CEST
¿Alguna vez pensaste en tomarte una pausa en tu carrera, descansar, tener más tiempo para pensar ideas o estar con tu familia y ver hacia dónde redirigir tu desarrollo profesional? 
Somos Gabi Manuli (GIJN) y Romina Colman (ex OCCRP) y ambas decidimos, en distintos contextos y por diferentes razones, parar. Después de más de una década en GIJN, Gabi se tomó un sabático de unos meses para bajar el ritmo, recargar energía y explorar nuevos caminos creativos. Romina, por su parte, renunció a su posición full-time para descansar, explorar otros proyectos, hacer actividades creativas y decidir su próximo paso. 
En esta sesión queremos compartir herramientas, aprendizajes y desafíos en nuestros recorridos. ¿Cómo resistir a la cultura de la productividad hasta en nuestro tiempo libre? ¿Qué aprendimos de estos meses?  Sabemos que tomarse un sabático, o renunciar a tu trabajo es un privilegio que no siempre es posible. Pero si creemos que todos podemos encontrar maneras de sumar un descanso en nuestro día a día.
avatar for Gabriela Manuli

Gabriela Manuli

Deputy Director, Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)
Gabriela Manuli is the Deputy Director of the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), an association of 250 nonprofit organizations in 91 countries dedicated to investigative reporting. In 2019, she co-founded the GIJN Women Group, a network for women and non-binary investigative... Read More →
avatar for Romina Colman

Romina Colman

Journalist. Data strategist and practitioner for media and CSOs, Former OCCRP and LA NACION Data, Freelancer
Data strategist and practitioner working in the intersection of technology and communities of practice. For more than 10 years, Romina has designed and implemented complex data initiatives in close collaboration with journalists and NGOs. Her expertise lies in building bridges between... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 19:30 - 20:20 CEST

19:30 CEST

TRE®: Ejercicios para la liberacion del estres y el trauma
Tuesday October 8, 2024 19:30 - 20:20 CEST
TRE es una serie de 7 ejercicios que ayuda a liberar la tensión profunda del cuerpo mediante un proceso de temblor muscular auto controlado. Este temblor, llamado Temblor Neurogénico, es un mecanismo natural para reestablecer el equilibrio del sistema nervioso liberando la energía que quedó bloqueada como consecuencia de la situación traumática o el estrés crónico.

TRE trabaja en sentido opuesto a los métodos tradicionales de tratamiento como la psicoterapia o la meditación. En lugar de modificar los patrones de pensamiento para llegar a la relajación, al relajar el cuerpo el estado emocional cambia, los pensamientos se modifican. Una vez aprendida, puede realizarse de manera autónoma y autogestiva permitiendo que el sistema nervioso, el cuerpo y las emociones recuperen un su natural armonia y flexibilidad.

Para una óptima experiencia de la sesión, pedimos a todas las personas participantes lo siguiente:
  • Preparar un espacio físico en el que puedan realizar ejercicios de pie y de suelo.
  • Tener un mat o manta para acostarse en el piso.
  • Usar ropa suelta
  • Tener a mano lo que consideren necesario para estar cómodos ( manta, almohadon , etc)
avatar for Karina Cavalli

Karina Cavalli

Formadora TRE®, Terapeuta bioenergética, Medica China, Freelancer
Soy una apasionada por la exploración y experimentación de las distintas dimensiones del Ser Humano y su potencial.Mi propósito es acompañar a las personas en la Creación de Sentido y el despertar de su propia potencia.Me formé como Terapeuta Bioenergética, Medica China, Astróloga... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 19:30 - 20:20 CEST
Wednesday, October 9

15:00 CEST

The Silly Session: Play as a Form of Self-Care
Wednesday October 9, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST
In our fast-paced, productivity-driven world, we often forget the transformative power of play and the pleasure of embracing simple joys. This workshop invites participants to explore how integrating these elements into daily life can lead to greater creativity, joy, and connection.

Over 50 minutes, this workshop reclaims play, not as an escape from “real” work, but as a vital part of it. With our trademark gentle humor and light-heartedness, we'll lead simple, playful activities that participants can continue to implement in their day-to-day lives.

Join us in reclaiming the joy of play as a vital component of self-care and well-being.
avatar for Samantha Holdsworth

Samantha Holdsworth

CEO, Clowns Without Borders UK
Sam is the CEO and founder of Clowns Without Borders UK, a charity that supports children in crisis settings to heal, learn and thrive through laughter and play. Through safe, joyful performances we deliver immediate emotional first aid to children in some of the most challenging... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST

15:00 CEST

How Are You? Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Women Journalists
Wednesday October 9, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST
How to cope with acute psychological distress, the emotional consequences of covering armed conflict, violence and human suffering? How to deal with the stigma of seeking mental health services? How to help a friend or colleague journalist who is suffering and needs support?
The objective of this training is to teach in 30 minutes of training and 10 minutes of practice the basics of Psychological First Aid. Designed by Luisa Ortiz Perez, creative leadership consultant and specialist in digital sovereignty and online violence, Camila Sanchez, sociologist, specialist in Public Policy and Gender Studies and Nicole Martin, feminist investigative journalist and executive director of Vita Activa.
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Nicole Martin

Vita Activa's Executive Director, Vita Activa
Nicole Martin is a feminist investigative journalist from Argentina and the Executive Director of Vita Activa, a helpline that gives online support and strategic solutions for women and LGBTIQ+ journalists, activists and gender, land and labor rights, and freedom of expression defenders... Read More →
avatar for Camila Andrea Sánchez Pulido

Camila Andrea Sánchez Pulido

Community coordinator, Vita Activa
Sociologist, specialist in public policies and gender studies. Master in Social Anthropology. Social researcher on peace pedagogies, human rights and exile of activists and defenders. Experience in social intervention, care and support for gender-based violence.
avatar for Luisa Ortiz Pérez

Luisa Ortiz Pérez

Principal & Co-Founder, Vita Activa
Dr. Luisa Ortiz Pérez is the co-founder of Vita-Activa.org, she conceptualized and launched a helpline to aid women journalists and activists facing online violence and gender based harassment. As part of Vita Activa's task force, she leads Psychological First Aid task forces that... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 15:00 - 15:50 CEST

16:00 CEST

Reorganizing Communication Tools to Reduce Stress Among Teams
Wednesday October 9, 2024 16:00 - 16:50 CEST
In recent years, AFP has used a variety of communication tools across different regions, departments, and individual preferences. This has led to a proliferation of tools, making internal communication complex. For instance, it was challenging to determine the appropriate channel for contacting someone, causing inefficiency and uncertainty about message reception. Employees also had to monitor multiple tools, leading to increased stress. To address these issues, AFP has decided to streamline and simplify its communication methods.
avatar for Benoît Toussaint

Benoît Toussaint

Deputy supervisor for the safety of journalists, Agence France-Presse
I am a 38-year-old French journalist with nearly 15 years of experience at AFP. During my career, I have worked in Germany and France, covering topics such as business, economics, geopolitics, and defense. In November 2023, I was appointed deputy supervisor for the safety of journalists... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 16:00 - 16:50 CEST

18:30 CEST

El poder de las imágenes para enfrentar el trauma vicario
Wednesday October 9, 2024 18:30 - 19:20 CEST
Compartimos nuestra experiencia en salud mental en el contexto de los regímenes totalitarios de El Salvador y Nicaragua, los procedimientos abusivos en Guatemala, y la violencia perpetrada por grupos criminales en Honduras, así como abordar el trauma vicario.

Hemos implementado un protocolo de prevención que utiliza el poder de las imágenes. A través de ejercicios visuales, donde los periodistas pueden mejorar su actividad cognitiva y tener un mejor control en el manejo de las diferentes etapas del riesgo. En el taller, las persionas participantes aprenderán herramientas efectivas de visualización para mejorar su capacidad cognitiva y optimizar el procesamiento de información en riesgo.
avatar for Enayda Argueta

Enayda Argueta

Coordinadora del Programa Riesgo Cruzado, Latitudes
Dra Enayda Argueta es la coordinadora del Programa Integral de Seguridad para Periodistas Riesgo Cruzado, iniciativa que cofundó tras el asesinato del periodista franco-español Christian Poveda en 2012 en El Salvador. Dos años después sufre un atentado en su residencia. Enayda... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 18:30 - 19:20 CEST
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Mental Health in Journalism Summit
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